Texas Immigration Lawyer
Immigration issues run the gamut. For some, it is a matter of obtaining a visa to the U.S., whether to join family members, work, or go to school here. Many want to obtain the coveted Green Card, or permanent legal status, which can eventually lead to U.S. citizenship. Anyone facing deportation must have an attorney advocating for them. The bottom line is that immigration law is complex, and it is vital that all necessary documentation is prepared correctly and included with your application.
The dedicated team at Martinez Immigration fights for you while helping you navigate the often complicated system. Award-winning California immigration lawyer Kathleen Martinez founded her virtual law firm to help clients across the country at an affordable cost. Call today to book a conference.
Book a consultation with a Texas immigration lawyer today.
The Role of a Texas Immigration Lawyer
A Texas immigration lawyer provides legal guidance based on your specific situation. If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident, we will help you with the application to sponsor family members based on the most suitable visa for their circumstances. If you or a family member are at risk of deportation, we will gather evidence, assist in preparing for the interview, and represent you at the hearing. We can also help with asylum or refugee issues.
If your immigration application is denied, we will represent you during the appeals process. Hiring an attorney significantly increases the odds of having your appeal approved. We ensure you understand the process and update you as your case goes through the system. Our primary role involves advocating for our clients so they may have the best possible outcome.
Understanding Texas Immigration Laws
Immigration and deportation procedures fall under the federal government‘s purview. It has the right to determine an individual‘s immigration status and grant visas, permanent residency status, or citizenship.
Learn how a Texas Immigration attorney can help your case today.
Federal vs. State Immigration Laws
However, states and local police work with the federal government for immigration policy enforcement. For example, under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) enacted in 1952, states such as Texas work to remove non-U.S. citizens who have committed crimes or otherwise pose a threat to U.S. communities.
Current Immigration Policies in Texas
Gov. Greg Abbott initiated a state-led border security effort called Operation Lone Star in 2021. According to the Texas Tribune, the state “installed razor wire, a floating barrier in the Rio Grande, and added thousands of Texas state troopers and National Guard soldiers to patrol parts of the state’s 1,254–mile long border with Mexico.“
This makes it easier for police to arrest and prosecute undocumented people crossing the border from Mexico. It may affect the many families with mixed-status members, some of them documented and some not. The new law could mean that undocumented people applying for asylum could be arrested, prosecuted, and deported.
Book a consultation with a Texas immigration lawyer today.
Texas has some of the harshest anti-immigration laws in U.S. history. Expect further legal challenges from both the federal government and immigration advocacy groups.
The Immigration Legal Process in Texas
The immigration legal process in Texas is a federal matter. The applicant may qualify for family-based visas, employment visas, or a visa for a spouse or fiancé of a U.S. citizen. The Texas State Law Library emphasizes that before entering this country, a foreign citizen must generally first receive permission from the U.S. government via the U.S. embassy or consulate in their country. Getting a visa is the first step in this process for many. To become a lawful permanent resident, a person will need to obtain a permanent resident card.
Speak with a Texas immigration lawyer, today.
Schedule a Consultation with Martinez Immigration
If you or someone you know have immigration issues, you need the services of an experienced immigration attorney at Martinez Immigration. We cover all aspects of immigration law, from permanent residency, visas, deportation defense, and even asylum issues. Protecting your rights as an immigrant and uniting your family is our first priority. Schedule a consultation today. We represent clients from consultancy to legal support.
We got you covered!
No Matter What your immigration needs or questions are…
We take great pride in providing immigration services to our clients. Our mission to reunite families drives us to succeed.