Can Your Green Card Be Revoked? 

Green cards give immigrants permanent residency status in the U.S. However, under certain circumstances, a green card can be revoked. While your green card gives you the right to live and work in the U.S., you can not break the law and remain in this country.   

If you are concerned about your green card status and the possibility of revocation, the immigration law services at Martinez Immigration can help you understand the rules and regulations and represent you in court. We take great pride in providing the very best legal representation. We provide guidance and assistance on our client’s unique circumstances throughout the United States. 

Criminal Conviction 

If you are a green card holder and arrested for any crime, obtaining a criminal lawyer is critical for representation in court. You will also need an immigration attorney to represent you because the government may start removal proceedings even before a conviction.    

The types of criminal convictions that may cause green card revocation include: 

  • Crimes of moral turpitude: These include murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, burglary, assault, theft, fraud and other serious crimes. 
  • Aggravated felonies: These include human trafficking, kidnapping, child pornography, and sexual abuse of minors. Other crimes, such as forgery, tax evasion, or receiving stolen property, are considered aggravated felonies above a specific dollar amount.  
  • Drug crimes: These include drug trafficking, which can mean the sale of illegal drugs or possession with the intent to sell.  

Marriage and Application Fraud 

Marrying a U.S. citizen to obtain a green card is illegal. Sham marriages are often challenging to prove. However, when couples do not live together, share finances jointly, or know each other’s family and friends, that is considered a red flag for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).  

Further, any lies or failure to include relevant information on your application can result in a green card revocation.  

Non-compliance with U.S. Residency Requirements 

Green card holders may move back to their country of origin for many reasons, including the need to care for sick relatives. While they do not intend to give up their permanent residency status, that is what happens if they do not comply with the strict U.S. residency requirements necessary to maintain permanent residency.  

Spending more than 180 continuous days (approximately six months) outside the U.S. jeopardizes your permanent residency status. If you do not file income taxes with the IRS while living outside the U.S., that may result in green card revocation. 

The good news is that an adjustment of status attorney can work with you to file the necessary documentation showing that you do not intend to abandon your permanent resident status.  

What Happens When Your Green Card is Revoked? 

If your green card is revoked, you lose the privileges that go with it. You may prove at risk of deportation. Depending on the reason for revocation, you may be banned permanently from entering the U.S. 

Contact an Adjustment of Status Lawyer 

If you are in danger of a green card revocation, you need the services of an experienced adjustment of status lawyer at Martinez Immigration. From our home base in Allen, Texas, our virtual office allows us to assist clients across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and throughout the United States. We welcome clients with ties to South America, Eastern Europe, Africa, and across the globe.  

Call our office or contact us online to book a virtual consultation with an adjustment of status lawyer today.  

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No Matter What your immigration needs or questions are…

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