Florida Immigration Lawyer
Immigration laws in Florida are some of the strictest immigration laws in the country. These new laws include the criminalization of transporting immigrants lacking permanent legal status into the state, as well as invalidating any U.S. government identification these immigrants might have and preventing local governments from issuing ID cards. Needless to say— this new legislation leaves many immigrants frightened and concerned about their status and visa applications.
Fortunately, if you are an immigrant, you have people on your side working hard to uphold your rights. A Florida immigration attorney at Martinez Immigration will fight for you while helping you navigate the complicated immigration system.
Book a consultation with a Florida immigration lawyer today.
Functions of a Florida Immigration Lawyer
An immigration lawyer in Florida helps clients with issues ranging from obtaining various visas to green cards to representation in court. An immigration attorney assists in preparing all the necessary documentation and preparing arguments for a client’s desired immigration status.
We will explain all of the requirements for obtaining a visa or Green Card to our clients to make sure that you understand every step of the process. If your application has been rejected, we will file an appeal on your behalf.
Common Immigration Issues in Florida
Border Security and Detention Centers
Many migrants find themselves stranded in a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center. If you know someone who is detained or fear that you or your family members may soon face detention, obtaining legal counsel is crucial.
In addition, Florida has recently increased funding to relocate immigrants to other parts of the country. Most of these people have no idea where they are being sent or why, which has serious impacts on families and the emotional and mental health of the detainee. A Florida immigration attorney can help you or a family member seek legal action for those affected by ICE.
Learn how a Florida Immigration attorney can help your case today.
DACA Program
On September 13, 2023, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas issued a decision finding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) plan unlawful. However, the case has been appealed and will likely end up before the Supreme Court. A final decision may not come until mid-2025.
Meanwhile, DACA renewal applications are still being processed but new applications cannot be processed currently. This applies to immigrants in every state.
What is Necessary Documentation?
Before you can apply for a Green Card, or permanent resident status, you must supply proof of your lawful entry into the U.S., current immigration status, and a valid passport. You must also show that the person sponsoring your application is a U.S. citizen or has permanent resident status.
A Florida immigration lawyer can advise on what kind of documents qualify as proof. For instance, proving your sponsor is a U.S. citizen requires their birth certificate or passport, while documenting a lawful permanent resident’s status is satisfied with a copy of their Green Card.
You may need different types of documents depending on the petition you are filing for permanent resident status. Your lawyer will inform you what documents are necessary based on your individual situation.
Book a consultation with a Florida immigration lawyer today.
Reach Out to Our Florida Immigration Lawyers
Protecting your rights as an immigrant and uniting your family is our first priority Martinez Immigration. If you would like more information about your or a family member’s immigration issue, you can schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with an experienced immigration lawyer on our team today.
We got you covered!
No Matter What your immigration needs or questions are…
We take great pride in providing immigration services to our clients. Our mission to reunite families drives us to succeed.